Form Solution contains two PHP classes for easily dealing with HTML forms. Here's a quick run down of what this program does:
The result is improved security and data quality as well as making things easier to program.
The form elements are XML compliant, conforming to the W3C's "Strict" Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) 1.0 DTD standard.
For those unfamiliar, or vaguely familiar, with PHP and/or classes, here's a quick set of instructions to get you started. Please note, before doing any of this, you'll need PHP installed.
<?php require '/includes/'; $Form = new FormSolution; echo '<form method="post" action="foo.htm">'; $Form->DateTimeOptionList('month'); echo '<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="GO!" />'; echo '</form>'; ?>Those commands peform the following tasks:
The system has three reserved variable names: Patterns_FS_RESERVED, Keep_FS_RESERVED and Max_FS_RESERVED.
When the class is created (ie, $Form = new FormSolution;) the constructor function — FormSolution() — is automatically called, which does the following things:
Each variable is checked for dangerous characters. If any are found such characters are omitted. Also, if the string is longer than permitted, the end of the string is dropped.
The choice of valid characters and length can be set by you when via the Constructor Function's optional arguments ($Keep and $Max) when the object is created.
There are several predefined Keep types. In addition, you can also whip up your own special ereg pattern for the $Keep argument by creating an array where the name of the pattern is the key and the pattern is the value. Then pass that array to the $Keep argument. If the array you pass has more than one element, only the first one is used. Additional patterns can be added later. See the StripBadCharacters() function for more information.
# To use the default settings ('Default', 200), just do this... # require '/includes/'; $Form = new FormSolution; # BUT, if you want to use some other settings # you can do something like this... # require '/includes/'; $Form = new FormSolution('AlphaNumSpace', 50); # When you want all of the incoming varaibles to be cleaned # by your own custom ereg pattern. The Keep pattern named # here also remains available for use later on. # $Pattern = array('SomeName' => '[^YN]'); require '/includes/'; $Form = new FormSolution($Pattern, 1);
One and two dimensional arrays will get cleaned and passed along. 3+ dimensional arrays are deleted.
If a variable is submitted via both GET and POST methods, the POST variable will be the one that remains.
If a function uses arguments, they are listed in an arguments table:
Arguments | Type | Default | Description |
Foo | string | -- | Header above boingie tables. |
Fluff | int | 1 | Number of fluffs in boingie tables. |
Things to note:
So, in this case, you'd call the function like this $Form->SomeFunction('Sediment', 33); if you wanted to set the Fluff argument manually. Otherwise, you can make life easier by letting Fluff be set to the default: $Form->SomeFunction('Sediment');.
This function copies the contents of another object to $this object. If From is not an object, the function prints that From "is not an object." and returns 0.
Arguments | Type | Default | Description |
From | string | -- | Name of an object which has the contents you want to copy. |
Generates an option list of date or time segments. If Default is before Begin or after the end of Begin plus Years, the value of Begin and/or Years will be adjusted to make it fit.
Arguments | Applies to which Periods | Type | Default | Description |
Period | all | string | -- | Type of list to generate: 'year', 'month' and 'day', 'hour', 'minute' or 'second'. Choice is case sensitive. |
Default | all | array variable string C (urrent) x |
C |
Default value(s) selected in the list. If you'd like nothing to be selected, use 'x'. To get the current time for an element, use 'C'.
When using arrays: • Associative or enumerated keys can be used. • The items to be selected go in the array's value fields. • If Multiple is "N", only the first array element will be used. |
Name | all | string | Same as Period | Name of the form element. |
Zero | all | N (o) Y (es) E (mpty) B (oth) |
N | Should zero and/or null values be listed? See tables, below for details on how these settings affect output depending on what data type is used for Default. |
Size | all | int | 0 | Number of rows visible at one time. "0" sets no size attribute, which is preferable when Multiple is "N". |
Multiple | all | Y/N | N | Should multiple selections be permitted? If set to "Y", browsers may display the whole list by default if no Size is set. |
Begin | year | int | 2 years ago | Which year the list should start at (YYYY). |
Years | year | int | 5 | How many years should be on the list. |
Class | all | string | If this argument is supplied, a class attribute (class="your_input") will added to the <select> tag. | |
ID | all | string | If this argument is supplied, an ID attribute (id="your_input") will added to the <select> tag. Helpful for use with <label> elements to allow keyboard navigation via accesskey. |
Default | Zero | |||
N | Y | E | B | |
empty | current | current | empty | empty |
NULL | current | current | empty | empty |
00 or 0000 | current | 0 | empty | 0 |
Integer (non 0) | integer | integer | integer | integer |
C | current | current | current | current |
Default | Zero | |||
N | Y | E | B | |
empty | current | current | empty | empty |
NULL | current | current | empty | empty |
Integer (including 0) | integer | integer | integer | integer |
C | current | current | current | current |
Several examples:
echo '<form>'; echo '<label for="the_id" accesskey="y"><u>Y</u>ear</label>'; $Form->DateTimeOptionList('year', $Form->StartYear, 'StartYear', 'N', 10, 'N', 1995, 15, 'some_class_name', 'the_id'); $Form->DateTimeOptionList('month', $Form->StartMonth, 'StartMonth', 'N', 13, 'Y'); echo '</form>';
Ensures dates entered by users are valid and formatted correctly. Output format is an option. Places the date into a variable within this object.
If there's a problem, the function returns 0. If everything is fine, returns 1.
Arguments | Type | Default | Description |
Year | int in YYYY format | -- | Year to be evaluated. Must be greater than 1969. |
Month | int in MM format | -- | Month to be evaluated |
Day | int in DD format | -- | Day to be evaluated |
ObjVarTo | string | Date | Name of an object variable to which the correct date is to be assigned, not the name of the object itself. |
Format | string | Y-m-d | Format you wish the time to be in. Uses the same formatting codes as PHP's date() function. |
Zero | Y/N | N | Is 0000-00-00 a valid date? |
$Form->DateValidateAndFormat($Form->StartYr, $Form->StartMo, $Form->StartDay, 'StartDate', 'j M y', 'Y');
Creates a form people browsing your site can use to contact you. Then, it processes the input received therefrom and mails it to you. Using a contact form is nice since it keeps spammers from harvesting your email address off your website.
User input is first run through StripBadCharacters() then passed through individual checks. Name can only contain letters, spaces, periods, hyphens and '. Subject can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, periods, commas, hyphens and '. The Email Address field must conform to RFC 2822 (see EmailMatch in the Keep types, below). The Message can't have < or > in it. In addition, the Message can only be up to $Form->Max_FS_RESERVED long and the rest of the fields can be up to 255 characters long. If the user submits something that doesn't conform to the above standards, an error message is generated, and the cleaned up input is shown in the form for them to modify and resubmit.
The form provides users a Preview option, so they can see how their email will look and make changes if desired.
The Message is wordwrapped at 70 characters.
Once submitted, a thank you message and a table containing their submission appear.
If there's a server problem which prohibits the mail() function from working properly, the filled in form is displayed again and a message tells the user to try again later.
Arguments | Type | Default | Description |
To | string | -- | The email address you want the form results sent to. |
Opt | array | An array holding options for the layout of the form and tables. |
Option | Type | Default | Description |
alignf | left | center | right | How the form table should be aligned on the page. | |
alignp | left | center | right | How the preview table should be aligned on the page. | |
borderf | int | 0 | Form table border size. "0" = none. |
borderp | int | 1 | Preview table border size. "0" = none. |
captionf | string | HTML Caption that can go above or below the form table. | |
captionp | string | HTML Caption that can go above or below the preview table. | |
captionalignf | top | bottom | Where the form caption should go. | |
captionalignp | top | bottom | Where the preview caption should go. | |
cellpaddingf | int | Amount of padding in the form table cells. | |
cellpaddingp | int | Amount of padding in the preview table cells. | |
cellspacingf | int | Spacing between the form table cells. | |
cellspacingp | int | Spacing between the preview table cells. | |
classf | string | Class HTML element attribute that can be placed in each tag of the form table and form output. Helpful with formatting via Cascading Style Sheets. | |
classp | string | Class HTML element attribute that can be placed in each tag of the preview table output. Helpful with formatting via Cascading Style Sheets. | |
idf | string | id attribute that can be placed in the <form> . Helpful with formatting via Cascading Style Sheets. |
idp | string | id attribute that can be placed in the preview <table> output. Helpful with formatting via Cascading Style Sheets. |
prefixs | string | String prepended to the subject line of the email sent to you. As of version 5.7. | |
names | array | $Opt = array( 'names' => array( 'Name' => 'one', 'Email' => 'two', 'Subject' => 'three', 'Message' => 'four', 'Submit' => 'five', ), ); |
A map of the name attributes used in the form. This makes it easy to change the name attributes' values, making it harder for spam bots to do their job. When using this option, copy this sample array, and tweak the values as desired, BUT DO NOT CHANGE THE KEYS. As of version 5.10. |
rows | integer | 8 | Rows in the form's Message field. |
size | integer | 40 | Width of the form's input fields. |
summaryf | string | Description of the table that can get put into the form table's <table> tag. | |
summaryp | string | Description of the table that can get put into the preview table's <table> tag. | |
suppressresults | boolean | false | Allows suppression of the "results" output table on success. |
widthf | numeric string | Form table width. Can be in pixels or percent (eg: "75" or "75%"). | |
widthp | numeric string | Preview table width. Can be in pixels or percent (eg: "75" or "75%"). |
require './'; $Form = new FormSolution('EmailForm'); $Opt = array( 'alignp' => 'center', 'widthp' => '75%' ); $Form->EmailForm('', $Opt);
Examine and clean up the $Input presented. If undesirable characters are found, they are dropped. If input is too long, the end is left off. It's run automatically when data is submitted, screening the input against the default settings. Then, you can use this function manually to further screen data via its more restrictive criteria.
Arguments | Type | Default | Description |
Input | string | -- | String or number that should be checked. |
Keep | string | Which characters should be kept. The string used is case sensitive. See the table below for which types are available. | |
Max | int | 200 | Maximum length the input should be allowed. |
Keep | Permits the following characters |
Num | 0-9 |
Decimal | 0-9.- |
IP | 0-9. |
Alpha | A-Za-z |
AlphaNum | A-Za-z0-9 |
AlphaNumSpace | A-Za-z0-9 plus space (" ") |
AlphaNumAll | AlphaNumSpace plus all horizontal and vertical whitespace characters. |
AlphaForeign | A-Za-z ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞß àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ |
AlphaForeignNum | AlphaForeign plus 0-9 |
AlphaForeignNumSpace | AlphaForeign plus 0-9 and space (" "). |
AlphaForeignNumAll | AlphaForeignSpace plus all horizontal and vertical whitespace characters. |
-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~A-Za-z0-9.@ | |
URI | A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?@_~ |
EmailForm | URI plus " and all horizontal and vertical whitespace characters. |
Default | AlphaForeign plus 0-9 and space (" ") and +./:=@_~- |
• The character set used is ISO 8859-1. • "0-9", "A-Z" and "a-z" represent the range of characters between and including the stated characters. • The list of characters allowed in URI's was derived from RFC 2396. • URI Warning: The URI setting permits several characters that are dangerous. When using such input inside exec(), system() and passthrough() calls, make sure to use escapeshellcmd()! When using such input inside queries, use addslashes()! • Default Warning: The default setting lets through the "~" character. This is a special character when used inside exec(), system() and passthrough() functions. This character, when used alone or at the beginning of a word, represents the user's home directory. This character is permitted through the default screening because it is commonly appears in URI's and poses only minor problems inside command lines. So, remember to use escapeshellcmd() when running Program Execution functions. |
Here's the regular way to use the function:
$Form->StripBadCharacters($Form->Group, 'AlphaNumSpace', 40);
If you used a custom Keep when creating the class with the new operator, that Keep remains available for use here.
You can add your own Keep regular expression patterns by adding them to the Patterns_FS_RESERVED array. The array's key is the name of the expression used in the $Keep argument, while the value is the regex you want to use. For example, in your script, you can do this:
$Form->Patterns_FS_RESERVED = array('OnlyYN' => '[^YN]'); $Form->StripBadCharacters($Form->Agree, 'OnlyYN', 1);
Similarly, it's possible to edit existing Keep patterns.
Note: the regular expressions are run through PHP's ereg_replace() function. Items that match are replaced by a blank string.
Ensures times entered by users are valid and formatted correctly. Output format is an option. Places the time into a variable within this object.
If there's a problem, the function returns 0. If everything is fine, returns 1.
Arguments | Type | Default | Description |
Hour | int in HH format | -- | Hour to be evaluated |
Minute | int in MM format | -- | Minute to be evaluated |
Second | int in SS format | -- | Second to be evaluated |
ObjVarTo | string | Time | Name of an object variable to which the correct date is to be assigned, not the name of the object itself. |
Format | string | H:i:s | Format you wish the time to be in. Uses the same foramtting codes as PHP's date() function. |
$Form->TimeValidateAndFormat($Form->StartHr, $Form->StartMin, $Form->StartSec, 'StartTime', 'g:i A');