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Include File for Building Schema


 * Functions for creating and destroying a database schema's contents
 * @package    Portability
 * @author     Daniel Convissor <danielc@analysisandsolutions.com>
 * @copyright  2002-2005 The Analysis and Solutions Company 
 * @license    http://www.analysisandsolutions.com/software/license.txt  Simple Public License
 * @link       http://www.analysisandsolutions.com/presentations/portability/
 * @see        buildSchema.php, viewSchema.php

 * Creates the tables and inserts the initial data
 * Goes through each file in the <kbd>./schema</kbd> directory,
 * extracting the <kbd>CREATE TABLE</kbd> query therein, perform the
 * column type searches/replaces necessary for the current DBMS type
 * and then execute the query.
 * Then pull the queries from each file in the <kbd>./data</kbd>
 * directory and execute those.
 * @param object $p   the portability object
 * @param object $db  the PEAR::DB object
 * @return void
function buildSchema($p, $db) {
    $dir  = dirname(__FILE__);
    $warn = 0;  // Take note of attempts to create something that exists.

    if (!is_dir("$dir/schema")) {
        echo "Could not read the $dir/schema directory.\n"
             . "Creation process terminated.\n";

    if (!is_dir("$dir/data")) {
        echo "Could not read the $dir/data directory.\n"
             . "Creation process terminated.\n";

     * preg search and replace pairs for create table statements
    $search_create = array(
        '/REPLSQL-decimal(\(\d+, *\d+\))/',

    $replace_create = array(

     * preg search and replace pairs for data files
    $search_data = array(

    $replace_data = array(

     * Process each schema file
    $dh = opendir("$dir/schema");
    while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
        if (substr($file, -3) == 'sql') {
            $new_table   = true;
            $schema_file = "$dir/schema/$file";
            $fh          = fopen($schema_file, 'r');
            $contents    = '';
            while (!feof($fh)) {
                $line = fgets($fh, 5000);
                if (substr($line, 0, 2) != '--') {
                    $contents .= $line;
            $contents    = preg_replace($search_create, $replace_create,
            $queries     = preg_split('/;\s*$/m', $contents);

            foreach ($queries as $query) {
                if (trim($query) == '') {
                $res =& $db->query($query);
                if (DB::isError($res)) {
                    switch ($res->getCode()) {
                        case DB_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS:
                            echo "TABLE OR INDEX ALREADY EXISTS: $file\n";
                            $new_table = false;
                            echo "---------\nCREATION ERROR in $file\n\n"
                                 . $res->getDebugInfo()
                                 . "\n---------\nCreation process has been"
                                 . " terminated before completion!\n";
            if ($new_table) {
                echo "Executed create: $file\n";

             * Process the data file
            $data_file = "$dir/data/$file";
            if (file_exists($data_file) && $new_table) {
                $fh = fopen($data_file, 'r');

                while ($line = fgets($fh, 50000)) {
                    if (!preg_match('/^(\s*--|[\r\n]+)/', $line)) {
                        $line = preg_replace('/; *[\r\n]*$/', '', $line);
                        $line = preg_replace($search_data, $replace_data, $line);

                        switch ($db->phptype) {
                            case 'mysql':
                            case 'mysqli':
                            case 'pgsql':
                                $line = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $line);

                        $res =& $db->query($line);
                        if (DB::isError($res)) {
                            echo "---------\nDATA ERROR in $file\n\n"
                                 . $res->getDebugInfo()
                                 . "\n---------\nCreation process has been"
                                 . " terminated before completion!\n";
                echo "Executed data:   $file\n";

    if ($warn) {
        echo "\nCompleted table creation.\n\n";
        echo "$warn tables or indexes already existed.\n";
        echo "They were NOT overwritten.\n\n";
    } else {
        echo "\nSucessfully completed table creation.\n\n";

 * Drops the tables
 * Goes through the list of files in the <kbd>./schema</kbd> directory
 * and drops each table listed there.  This works by using the file
 * names, so don't put multiple create table statements in a schema file.
 * This is a simplistic routine, so it doesn't directly drop indexes.
 * So, if the DBMS doesn't drop indexes automatically when the table they
 * relate to are dropped, you'll have to do that manually.
 * @param object $p   the portability object
 * @param object $db  the PEAR::DB object
 * @return void
function dropSchema($p, $db) {
    $dir  = dirname(__FILE__);
    $warn = 0;  // Take note of attempts to drop things that don't exist.

    if (!is_dir("$dir/schema")) {
        echo "Could not read the $dir/schema directory.\n"
             . "Drop process terminated.\n";

    $dh = opendir("$dir/schema");
    while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
        if (substr($file, -3) == 'sql') {
            $table = basename($file, '.sql');
            $res =& $db->query("DROP TABLE $table " . $p->getDropRestrict());
            if (DB::isError($res)) {
                switch ($res->getCode()) {
                    case DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE:
                    case DB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND:
                        echo "TABLE DIDN'T EXIST: $table\n";
                        echo "-----\nCOULDN'T DELETE: $table\n";
                        echo $res->getDebugInfo();
                        echo "-----\n\n";
            echo 'Dropped: ' . $table . "\n";

    if ($warn) {
        echo "\n$warn tables or indexes could not be deleted.\n\n";
    } else {
        echo "\nSucessfully completed table drops.\n\n";